In which I catch up on updates…

It’s been quite a while since our last update. I had hoped to get up something sooner, but it’s been a very hectic last few months. Regardless, it has been over 10 years now from Mega Audino’s release and me starting to collect items (because in my insanity, I literally looked to commission people the moment the announcement was dropped… or well, accidentally leaked by Korea).

I also noticed that one of the items that was supposed to be added last time wasn’t properly showing up so that’s been fixed over in the Third Party section.

Regardless, let’s get into the new items being added!

We have two new official items: one in Stationery and one in Miscellaneous, three new additions to the Third Party section, and four new custom items: one in Clothing, one in Figures added to the Painted 3D Print Figures listing, and two in Stationery.

I’ve also updated the Wanted page with some new items I’m waiting to come in. Nothing official, but still things to look forward to even if mostly custom and a couple of third parties.